一般社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科学会



Message from American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) (March 11th, 2011)

March 11, 2011

Professor Toshiaki Yagi, MD
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology
3-25-22 Takanawa
TOKYO 108-0074

Dear Professor Yagi:

On behalf of the American Academy of Otolaryngology -Head and Neck Surgery and its members, we, the Board of Directors, express our deepest condolences to our colleagues of the Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology for the victims of the tragic earthquake and tidal waves in Japan on March 11, 2011.

We value our friendship with the Japanese Society, which will be honored at our annual meeting in San Francisco in September, so you and your colleagues are very much in our thoughts and prayers at this time, especially the otolaryngology community at Tohoku University Medical School and others in Sendai City and Miyagi Province.

We extend the sincere sympathies of our Academy members to the families and friends of those who died and our wishes that the suffering may soon be eased in the communities that were affected.

With kindest regards,

J. Regan Thomas, MD
David R. Nielsen, MD
Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer

Message from Asia-Oceania Otolaryngology Congress (March 15th, 2011)

Dear Toshiaki,

We here in New Zealand have heard about the terrible disaster that has hit your homeland of Japan.

We are shocked to see the destruction and loss that has happened to your country.

In this time of great sorrow our thoughts and hearts are with you and we hope that you and your family are well and together.

Warm regards


Message from Past-General Secretary of International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (IFOS) (March 16th, 2011)

Dear Society, Dear Toshi,

Herewith I send you my personal support and also support as past General Secretary of I.F.O.S.

I hope that all our friends in Japan are safe and I follow the terrible events in your Country with compassion and sorrow.

Please give my best wishes and strength to all my friends in Japan.

We are with you, Warmest regards, Jan J. Grote

Alfredo Pontejos教授(フィリピン)からのお見舞いのメッセージ(3月19日)
Message from Prof. AlfredoPontejos (Philippine) (March 19th, 2011)

Dear Prof Yagi,

It is with deep sorrow that I write this letter, The massive damage caused by earthquake last Friday was very extensive.
We in the Philippines send our prayers and condolences to those who have died and we pray also for the full recovery and restoration of the damaged cities in you country.
All the best and God bless you all.

Prof alfredo pontejos, MD

Message from International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (IFOS) (March 20th, 2011)

*General Secretary of International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (IFOS)

Dear Professor Yagi

Please accept my deepest condolence to the victims of earthquake and tsunami in Japan. I hope you and your family and all Japanese colleagues are well and recover from the disaster quickly. I know that we hardly can give helping hand for this distance but I would like you to know that we follow the situation every day and we admire the heroic fight of the Japan nation with this unexpected disaster complicated with the problems in the nuclear power station Fukushima. I would appreciate if I can hear from you about your situation and further development.

We stand by you in this difficult situation.

Milan Profant
Prof. Milan Profant, MD, PhD
Head of Univ. ORL Dept.
General Secretary to IFOS
Antolska 11
Slovak Republic
